2018 NLLA Annual Meeting

Our 2018 Annual Meeting and Picnic was held Saturday, July 21 at Legionville. Attendance was good, with 149 members representing 84 properties, there for the meeting and picnic lunch. In addition, there were 13 children for a total of 162. Last years attendance totaled 180.
The meeting was called to order promptly at 10:40am by board president Bill Schmidt. After introduction of the board and review of the agenda, we commenced with board elections. There were four open board positions. Nominations from the floor were called for but none were submitted.
Tom Gerrety, Sandy Loney, and Jim Voiss - all current board members - ran for reelection and were elected to another three year term. One board position remains open.
Financial and membership reports were presented by Bill. Our full year 2017 income was $27,847, expenses were $19,995, resulting in a net income of $7,892. At end of 2017, cash on hand was $66,485. For year-to-date ending June 30, 2018, income was $23,709, expenses were $12,188, resulting in a net income of $11,521 and cash on hand of $78,006.
At the end of 2017, we had 417 members (a record number). As of 7/24/2018, we have 395.
Following, there was a detailed chronology of our efforts with the bog by Bill. It was a great deal of work by a number of dedicated volunteers. The beach at Legionville is now clear. We also had reports on our Communications efforts, the Boat Safety class (26 youths attended), the 371 Boat Parade (over 40 boats this year), and our new logo clothing (visit nlla.skorfanshop.com to view items and order).
A question was raised about the lake level and whether we could tear down any beaver dams impeding the outflow. The response was that a) it's not clear that beaver dams are the problem as water is not backing up at the CR127 culvert and b) any beaver dams are not on property we have control over.
During the meeting, door prizes were awarded and silent auction winners were named. This year we had over 40 prizes from 38 local merchants to give away. A full list is included in the newsletter and posted on the association website: northlong.org.
After the business meeting, it was time for a picnic. Brats, hot dogs, potato salad, beans and more were enjoyed by the attendees. Last but not least - root beer floats.
We were done by 12:30. Thanks to all who stayed a few extra minutes to put away tables and chairs.
As in past years, local merchants and businesses were generous in donating merchandise and services for our silent auction and door prizes. Please consider them as you do your shopping and let them know we appreciate their generosity. This year, we received donations from:
Adams Pest Control
Affordable Auto
Andy's Grill
Anita and Tom Gerrety
Black Bear
Blakeman Septic
Boulder Tap Room
Buffalo Wild Wings
Chameleon Café
Crow Wing Power
DH Docks & Tracks
Erickson Greenhouse
Grand View Lodge
Highway 3 Marine
Lakeside Acres
Landsburg Nursery
LCL Electronics
Merrifield Café
Nisswa Automotive
Nisswa Family Fun Waterpark
Nisswa Marine
Northern Cowboy
Northland Kart Country
Poncho & Lefty's
Precision Propeller Works
Print donated by Jeff & Kathy Coombs
Roundhouse Brewery
Salon 77 Pam Martin
Salon 77 Pam Wachholz
Spirits of Nisswa
Steve Peterson
Super 1 Liquor
The Woods
Wild Bird Store
Woodland Meadows