The North Long Lake Association is managed by a 12 member Board of Directors elected by the membership.  The board meets monthly during spring, summer, fall - and as needed during the winter.  Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7pm at the Merrifield Marathons Snowmobile Club, 21135 County Road 3, in Merrifield.  Members are welcome.

The association operates according to the North Long Lake Association Bylaws

The mission of the board is to work with our State and Local Governments, other lake associations, and private enterprise to obtain expert knowledge on all issues that affect our water, land, fish, fun, and environment for the best resolve.  We will keep all residents informed and encourage all residents to be members of NLLA for strength in numbers.

Minutes of past board meetings can be viewed here.

There is currently an open board position.  We need committed association members to join our board and apply their skills to making our association - and our lake - better.  If interested, please contact Bill Schmidt, association president, at